After trying some project management tools for emacs, I found several great and thorough packages which I used on a daily basis for software development:

But then, after a while of using those great tools, I noticed that there are little functionality that I really use from those packages. And, as an excuse for exercising elisp, I decided to write some… let’s say “helpers” for working every day.

This is the result: xfel-init-project.el.

As you can see, there are a few things that I use daily for working besides, of course, all the things that emacs has out-of-the-box. Ok, not all the things… who really knows all the things that emacs has inside?

So, by relying on rg for getting file lists and searching inside those files, I wrote a super simple file finder and the inclusion of rg results inside `grep-find` (this function in particular because it produces a compile buffer with the ability of enabling wgrep and having an excellent global search-and-replace thing).

Other thing to mention is that I use ido, mainly because it comes with emacs, so I don’t have to install any additional package for completion.

I hope this helps someone looking for simple or personal alternatives for everyday tasks.

P.S.: My configuration files are in the same repository -> init.el