I built my first mechanical keyboard, a MiniDox.


So… why? Well, to be completely honest, for fun mainly. I got my first comments about something called “mechanical keyboard” thanks to geekymartian, he built an ErgoDox and then others (two MiniDoxs and counting).

Then I started to read about it, about the tools involved, about an endless world of possibilities regarding key mappings and functions, about typing in a real more comfortable way.

Another reason could be my “Emacs pinky”, now I have Ctrl and Alt right under my thumb.

Figure 1: Here is a picture of my laptop’s keyboard which I think is self-explanatory about emacs-pinkyness

Figure 1: Here is a picture of my laptop’s keyboard which I think is self-explanatory about emacs-pinkyness

It was after started building it when I realized the power behind being able to program your own keyboard.

Gathering things togheter

For building this keyboard I need two sets of things: tools and pieces. I had nothing, so after several thoughtful advices from geekymartian, I went shopping:


Figure 2: My “lab”

Figure 2: My “lab”


I bought PCB and electronic components from Profet, but this is the list of required components:

Getting your hands dirty

I was able to build a MiniDox thanks to this great and detailed building guide. Besides all the comments present in that guide, I could add the following tips:

Figure 3: Mouting reset button

Figure 3: Mouting reset button

Figure 4: Soldering first key switches

Figure 4: Soldering first key switches

Figure 5: ProMicro mount

Figure 5: ProMicro mount


Not everything is soldering and roses, after putting my keyboard together I had the following issues:

Figure 6: Brige to pin

Figure 6: Brige to pin


After finishing both sides, you have to install firmware. There are a couple of options around, I only used qmk, it comes with a docker environment which works perfectly (yes, you have to run it in privileged mode):


docker run -ti --privileged \\
       -v /dev:/dev \\
       -v "$PWD":/qmk\_firmware \\
       qmk-build make "$KEYBOARD":"$KEYMAP":avrdude

With qmk there are a lot of posibilities and tweaks available for every key on your keyboard. This is my current keymap for reference, but I think that this is a really personal thing. For example, I wanted to have ctrl in my thumb mainly because I’m a Emacs user, I doubt that a vimmer would have the same requirement.

Using it

It took me a couple of months to being able to write decently with this keyboard, it was my first time with a split keyboard. My fingers had to discover where were the keys, but now is my daily driver, is one of my main tools for working every day.

Once you get your hands in the keyboard, there no way back, I feel “at home” now with my MiniDox. I’m even planning to hand-wire me a little variation of it. It is really incredible how efficient could this 36 keys be, I’m really grateful to That-Canadian for this excellent design, is a magnificent work which improved greatly my relationship with computers.